Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Those were the best days of my life.........

The first day of the first job............too excited. Unexplainable thoughts and emotions gushing in the mind...............A bit of background would make more sense to whatever I will be writing.

We waited for four long months for this day(joining the company). At last we got our joining dates. All set to rock the IT world. As they say good and bad come as a package......this day was no exception. we had to stay away from the family :(. Accommodation was given in a hotel near the office.People checked-in a day or two prior to the joining. Few were from the same college and few (like me) all alone. All weird thoughts flowing in would be "the first day"?? will be befriending many??? what if I am late on day 1??

Early in the morning I was joined by my roomie. We exchanged instant smile and the non started a special bond. Today, I am not in touch with her but she does hit mu thoughts often. Some people just leave a mark in your life............don't they?????

At the office, we were given the days schedule an trust me it was quite boring with many lectures and presentation..........self-consoled by saying that this is what inductions are all about. As it is pretty obvious, most of us dozed off during the presentation(me included).I was like the first day in college. The best part of the day was the food(don't remember the menu but it tasted good). All the speaches came to an end confusing us more on what to expect and what not to. The day ended with many self-introductions, most of which i don't remember, without the slightest clue of the wonderful and most beautiful days coming ahead.

Training was for 40 days. Days passed, we enjoyed, had fun, laughed, craked jokes,slept in the sessions, worked together without bitching, without any arguments. It was like a college life, but very unlike my engineering college. Certainly there were groups in the class but we had good time as a whole. And at the accommodation, our adda was the dining hall. Each night we gathered there, made hell of noise and irritated the care-taker so badly that he used to shout on us. All those sleep-less nights and those combined studies........masti was more combined than the studies.

The best part of the training dys were the "French classes". Awesome facilitator,mindblowing teaching stratergy and superb sense of humor. He was one among us. Now french is synonymous with him. Those games and our terrible accent will be the thing ll of us would laugh just by remembering it.

Having fun was so much a priority that we didn't realise that it has all come to an end :(. The last day of the training was the one day we wish had never come. All of us were posted to different locations---mumbai, chennai, bangalore, pune, cochin..........Till the last moment none of felt the rapport we shared and had no hint as how much we would be missing each other and he great time we had spent. People getting emotional at farewells always suprised me. I had a notion that "if people want to stay in touch they will be no matter what........".But its on that day I realised......its not about you wanting, its about the situaions you will be put into that might not allow you to speand more time with you dear ones. I understood the difference between "quality time" and "quantity time". The very thought of not seeing the people you were seeing for the past 40 days made us verys nostalgic.......few could conceal their dissapointment and few,like me, busted into tears. For a second I decided not to get emotionally so attached to people. but then I wouldn't have made such beautiful memories.I would have lost a reason to smile and I truly can't afford it.

Today some of them are with me and many are not. Everyone is occupied with their work,responsibilities, career and what not.But still we are connected. We might not be calling one another frequently but the presence is felt with a simple message on occasions.

Missing all who aren't around and glad that few are there. Probably this is a special bond in a special phase of life with special people making it more special...........................

Life it too short,
lets make memories of every thought...............

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