Sunday, February 13, 2011

Evolution of a Person

It takes a life to evolve as a person. Everyday its a newexperience, a new emotion that demands a change in you. I always wonder will this change reflects a change in my persona or will it just help me evolve as a person???

Is is possible to retain the child in me and be tolerant simultaneously????? Get a reality check done!!! Tolerance is what you have for others and childishness is something that's within you. Wait a minute----I have a question and i have the answer too. May be this is "evolution of a person".

Every person is unique. Now I am learning the true meaning of this. Every one is to be handled differently, have different expectations from, with care and affection. Someone is a kid, someone is a soul mate, some one a companion, some one a dear friend and some one who is just like me :) In midst of all these its becoming even more important for me not to lose self.

Evolving as a person and looking for self----to identify who i was in the past, to link these changes, to overcome fears, to face the facts, to grow as a person,
to be the one I always was with a tinge of maturity and sensibility-----to add meaning to life :)

child was i born
child will i die.....
the transition in the mean while
is what i call life.........

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

OMG...........ab mera number hai :(

I have simulated this moment many times in mind but forgot one thing every time.........reality will be a lot different. I was happy initially for being the bride-to-be, but as the time gap is reducing I wish this stage of life waited for some more time.......till I did all I wanted to do with my friends, till I have spent a heart-contented time with my parents,till I achieve my career goals, till I make sure what kind of person I want to spend my life with, till I am mentally prepared, or....................till I fall in love

All of a sudden life seems to be a race, every hurdle coming more quickly than the earlier one.

Here's how the whole thing that I am 24 and single and most importantly every one around me are getting married, the pressure started building for my marriage. I was all set to start the process of "swayamvar" or at least I assumed I am ready for it.

All my conversations with my parents and my sis are all about......."did u see the pic, liked it", "send me ur pics in that red suit and the saree one too....hmmmm and that one we took when u were home". GOD!!!! this is making me nervous.

For a moment I wish I was a guy so that I cud get married when I feel I am settled. Anyways, that is not the issue now. I am OK with marriage . BUT, with whom???? what after that??? wat will happen to my career aspirations??? Guess the time has come to find answers for all the questions before I proceed further.

Its time I come out of my fantasies. Never realised how old I have grown until now :). I suppose people sailing in the same boat find a caring shoulder in one another. Me and my roomie are one such company. The other day we were rewinding our memories and trust me college, school and all those silly things seem to be matter of yesterday. All those college crushes and the endless efforts made to talk to us, patient wait for a reply, long phone conversations and pending perfect proposal.....aaahhhhh!!!! wish i wasn't a phatuu, wish I gathered guts to talk to that one guy in college, that one guy at neighbourhood, that one guy at work, that one guy.........I had options but every time I failed to choose one :(

Now that its a matter of past......I have new dreams, new hopes, new outlook......this indicates that one of "nahi sudharne wale" category :D. I have decided to play along. "Take life as it comes" types u know ;)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Those were the best days of my life.........

The first day of the first job............too excited. Unexplainable thoughts and emotions gushing in the mind...............A bit of background would make more sense to whatever I will be writing.

We waited for four long months for this day(joining the company). At last we got our joining dates. All set to rock the IT world. As they say good and bad come as a package......this day was no exception. we had to stay away from the family :(. Accommodation was given in a hotel near the office.People checked-in a day or two prior to the joining. Few were from the same college and few (like me) all alone. All weird thoughts flowing in would be "the first day"?? will be befriending many??? what if I am late on day 1??

Early in the morning I was joined by my roomie. We exchanged instant smile and the non started a special bond. Today, I am not in touch with her but she does hit mu thoughts often. Some people just leave a mark in your life............don't they?????

At the office, we were given the days schedule an trust me it was quite boring with many lectures and presentation..........self-consoled by saying that this is what inductions are all about. As it is pretty obvious, most of us dozed off during the presentation(me included).I was like the first day in college. The best part of the day was the food(don't remember the menu but it tasted good). All the speaches came to an end confusing us more on what to expect and what not to. The day ended with many self-introductions, most of which i don't remember, without the slightest clue of the wonderful and most beautiful days coming ahead.

Training was for 40 days. Days passed, we enjoyed, had fun, laughed, craked jokes,slept in the sessions, worked together without bitching, without any arguments. It was like a college life, but very unlike my engineering college. Certainly there were groups in the class but we had good time as a whole. And at the accommodation, our adda was the dining hall. Each night we gathered there, made hell of noise and irritated the care-taker so badly that he used to shout on us. All those sleep-less nights and those combined studies........masti was more combined than the studies.

The best part of the training dys were the "French classes". Awesome facilitator,mindblowing teaching stratergy and superb sense of humor. He was one among us. Now french is synonymous with him. Those games and our terrible accent will be the thing ll of us would laugh just by remembering it.

Having fun was so much a priority that we didn't realise that it has all come to an end :(. The last day of the training was the one day we wish had never come. All of us were posted to different locations---mumbai, chennai, bangalore, pune, cochin..........Till the last moment none of felt the rapport we shared and had no hint as how much we would be missing each other and he great time we had spent. People getting emotional at farewells always suprised me. I had a notion that "if people want to stay in touch they will be no matter what........".But its on that day I realised......its not about you wanting, its about the situaions you will be put into that might not allow you to speand more time with you dear ones. I understood the difference between "quality time" and "quantity time". The very thought of not seeing the people you were seeing for the past 40 days made us verys nostalgic.......few could conceal their dissapointment and few,like me, busted into tears. For a second I decided not to get emotionally so attached to people. but then I wouldn't have made such beautiful memories.I would have lost a reason to smile and I truly can't afford it.

Today some of them are with me and many are not. Everyone is occupied with their work,responsibilities, career and what not.But still we are connected. We might not be calling one another frequently but the presence is felt with a simple message on occasions.

Missing all who aren't around and glad that few are there. Probably this is a special bond in a special phase of life with special people making it more special...........................

Life it too short,
lets make memories of every thought...............

Monday, September 22, 2008

R@nd0m tH0ughT$

Why, what ,how, what i think most of time. Its not that I am confused, its just that I am not sure about the thing I should focus on. Its always a clash between what u want and what you need. Life would have been simpler if u get what you need and realising that this is what you always wanted. Does this have something to do without maturity levels???? I would say it tests your sensibility. I often hear people say they have too many issues to handle and complaining about time.I don't say I am very good at it, but I strongly believe that its always up to you how you manage things. Surprisingly i find time to do the things i want to.Is it because I have time or is it that I don't do many things................

Looks like most of the life people spend in analysing and understanding whats going around, where is the time to live,to talk,to laugh????? Half of the conversation time is spent in choosing the right words and the other in thinking what to speak next...........

And the most important topic that causes a havoc is.........pyaar. I have come across quite a lot of posts in few blogs taking about "love". Everyone has their own view on it and all the definitions and descriptions are very subjective. Is it right to state some1 wrong just because he/she has a different view???? Every 1 has opinions on everything and I think those opinions should be respected whatsoever...........opinions are formed on your experiences and they would be different. Do we always have to be judgemental???? Certainly not.